So much thought and decision-making goes into what happens in the run up to pet euthanasia, thinking about what happens afterwards can be almost unbearable. However, the Home Goodbye service includes some useful practical aftercare advice and information about options and services open to you, so that arrangements can be made in advance to make things easier for you when the time comes.
Pet cremation
Home Goodbye works closely with a few wonderful pet crematorium services:
Phoenix Pet Cremations: https://www.phoenixpetcremations.com
Cherished Hearts Cremations: https://www.cherishedheartscremations.co.uk
We specifically work with these companies because we know they will treat your pet with the care and dignity they deserve.
If you have booked the services of a pet cremation company we can, as part of our own service, arrange for the collection of your pet shortly after our visit to you.
Pet cremation companies can then take care of arrangements, in accordance with your wishes and you can book from a range of services, such as:
- Individual Cremation
With this service, your pet is cremated individually in a clean chamber. You can choose to receive your pet’s ashes in an appropriate vessel, to disperse in your own time at your own chosen location or keep it as part of a memorial space for your pet. Alternatively, you may have the option of having the ashes spread in a memorial garden at the pet crematorium.
Some pet cremation services offer the chance to attend the cremation at an extra cost.
- Routine cremation
With routine cremation, ashes are not returned but are instead scattered at the pet crematorium.
- Optional services
Pet crematoria often provide optional services to help ensure you retain physical mementos of your pet, such as fur clippings or paw prints. Other services might include keepsakes made from the ashes of your pet, such as glass, jewellery or cuddle stones. A certificate of cremation can generally also be provided, at an additional cost.
Many companies also offer a range of urns or caskets, with or without engraving, so that you have plenty of choice for finding the most suitable way to remember your pet.
Pet Burial at Home
Many pet owners choose to keep their pet close by with a garden burial. This can be a special way to dedicate an area of garden to a beloved pet and help to establish a memorial or peace garden area.
You do not need permission to bury domestic pets in your garden and there are no minimum good-practice groundwater protection requirements (Gov.uk guidance). However, the burial of larger pets, for instance a pet pony or horse, will require adherence to groundwater protection requirements. If this is your situation, you will need to contact the animal health office of your local council to find out more.
As with all the discussions around saying farewell to your family’s furry friend, Home Goodbye is here to help – contact us here